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AMDs AI-Beschleuniger Instinct: MI325X tested, Instinct MI355X tested

AMDs AI-Beschleuniger Instinct: MI325X tested, Instinct MI355X tested

AMD’s new HPC-AI-Beschleuniger Instinct MI325X is with a production start in a quarter of a year and the first update in the first quarter of 2025 has been launched, which will allow AMD to prepare the CDNA-4- base Nachfolger Instinct MI355X directly with. Gegen Nvidias Blackwell braucht es all, was geht.

AMD Instinct MI355X as an argument for Blackwell

AMD Instinct MI300 is Nvidia’s only “real” vendor. So it’s quite a long language, which saves and saves money in German, but again, it’s not so loud and high, like at Nvidia. Dort trennen beide Unternehmen weiterhin Welten. AMD is also aware of the importance of using software, as Lisa Su strives to clarify things.

AMD CEO Lisa Su Showcases New Instinct Ideas
AMD CEO Lisa Su Showcases New Instinct Ideas

Dass AMD supplies the Zyklus for new solutions in the future future, but the production plant is directed directly to the nearest product, which will take place in the last two months of 2025 in series production, such as the player d ‘workshop planned for inem pre-briefing am Tag vor dem Event erklärten. They fled Forrest Norrod as head of the Datacenter-Sparta team, and the launch took place in the mid-aughts. Wenn man mit Nvidia mithalten will, wird das auch nötig sein.

AMD Instinct Press Platform
AMD Instinct Press Platform (Image: AMD)

Instinct MI325X to boot once

With the latest Instinct MI325X, AMD has no small lights, respectively, like a refresh of the MI300X. This tool provides you with better computational knowledge using cutting-edge techniques and can enable you to do further research. Genau beim Speicher gab es aber noch un Passung, die durchhaus est interesting.

AMD Instinct Press Platform
AMD Instinct Press Platform (Image: AMD)

For Computex 2024, AMD CEO Lisa Su said that the Instinct MI 325X has 288 GB of HBM3e. This is still the model with “nur” 256 GB on the market, for each bandwidth. The page about AMD’s “life” and “war” on the way is clearly illustrated by a better past design. It is possible that the 36 GB chips are used for 288 GB storage, but are not used here, or are not used in the store auf den hohen Takt erzielen bzw. If the 32 GByte Pro Chip is reduziert, it will be installed. Even if Nvidia deals with a problem with HBM, there may be problems with capacity regulation and here and also the task. When AMD dies, it is not possible to do so, but the head is on the other side of the head so that it is left out.

AMD launched the new Instinct MI325X with a TDP of 1,000 watts, like the H200 models, and tested it in its own benchmarks. Under non-stop testing, as others have done, it is possible for AI testing to become immersed in the workload. AMD bought only on the site, the new offers were very expensive, the total cost of ownership being as high as at Nvidia, the sale price is therefore during the week and it is not necessary. If you wish, your product has a high level of licensing, it is also available in the TCO search and in the theory price, like at Nvidia. Ob das in der Realität letztlich aber so ist, steht auf einem anderen papier.

AMD Instinct Press Platform (Image: AMD)

Auf die Nachfrage, ob es Probleme beim Supply gibt, verneinte AMD dies a little more. When the tenor is turned on, as AMD is still alive, the Instinct-Lösungen liefern cann, wie denn benötigt werden. This should be due to the changes made, because the resources are not compatible with the system and we are in the first place for AMD solutions, when Nvidia solutions are not used.

MI355X with CDNA4 by the real Neuling in 2025

An event where AMD has exceeded the life of the Instinct MI355X in the device. Sehr früh über derartige neue beschleuniger zu reden kennt die Branche et Kundschaft aber schließlich schließlich von Nvidia, AMD takes care of it here letztlich dem Marktführer.

Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, presented the MI355X
Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, presented the MI355X

With HBM3e stacks for 288 GB installation, 3nm computer chips are available with generated data. The new MI355X is in FP4/FP6 format, which supports Block Float. AMD’s FP16 block at Strix Point has been created, so it has arrived in the first line of a good Speicherbedarf. In this Richtung, this is also the case for FP4/FP6 and Instinct, where FLOPS are easily madness.

AMD Instinct Press Platform (Image: AMD)

The design basis is only a diesel like the bisherigen MI300 models, we have a system with advantageous minimum performance. Beim Verbrauch, den AMD heute necht nent, will be the leaders of the industrial trend. This is also in the 1000 watt range and even higher, with the trend now being 1200 to 1500 watts.

Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, presented the MI355X
Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, presented the MI355X

Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, presented the MI355X

The software macht grand Fortschritte

AMD’s software and Achilleverse can deliver great capabilities. AMD declared itself, as I am able to take the course to learn more about what is going on. Zusätzliche Platttformen und Partner helfen dabei, aber auch Zukäufe et Übernahmen wie zuletzt Silo. These are a number of new tasks in the software, which are therefore richer in potential, and not all hardware updates are available.

AMD Instinct Press Platform
AMD Instinct Press Platform

AMD Instinct Press Platform (Image: AMD)

Wohl kein MI300A-Nachfolger plant

In AMD’s press page it is one of the best models of MI300A also, I am talking about AMD towards the other one, which is not in the X-Series with what you have experienced. This job is done well with processors according to the art, but it is not the same package. Thanks to the Blume gab AMD which allows adaptation, it is the first to have a single MI300A, as well as a large APU, which has arrived. Ob das Konzept dabei komplett aufgegeben wird, bleibt aber abzuwarten.

AMD Instinct MI325X and 355X

AMD Instinct Press Platform (Image: AMD)

ComputerBase provided information about AMD at an event in San Francisco under NDA. The Hersteller must carry out the economy class flight, transfers, hotel costs and services. Eine Einflussnahme des Herstellers oder eine Verpflichtung zur Berichterstattung bestand nicht. Die einzige Vorgabe aus dem NDA war der frühestmögliche Veröffentlichungszeitpunkt.