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NATO: measures for North Korean soldiers in Russia

NATO and the United States Ministry of Defense have offenbar Beweise dafür, ass Tausende nordkoreanische Soldaten nach Russland entsandt wurden. Laut South Korean Geheimdienst absolvieren sie in Training in Osten Russlands et sollen anschließend an die Front in the Ukraine geschickt werden. With 12,000 soldiers, it is the Rede. Russia and North Korea have the power to do this.

NATO and the Pentagon alarmed

US Minister of Green Affairs Lloyd Austin said in a Washington Post article about the published videos that it was a “memory of the war of North Korean soldiers taking place in Russia.” . The US-Regierung did not say “not that its mission is within its mission or that it is in Ukraine.”

NATO spokesperson Farah Dakhlallah said in Brussels that these troops for Ukraine’s side were the best within Ukraine: “This is an imminent escalation of the illegal war in Russia. The North Atlantic went to Korea under the influence of a backlash.

“If the abstract is that I am in the name of Russia and in this conflict, this is a problem that arises,” the Pentagon chief said. “Et das wird Auswirkungen haben nicht nur en Europa. Es wird auch Auswirkungen auf die Dinge im Indopazifik haben.”

A Zeichen der Schwäche Russlands?

“Russia declared that the label ausserordentliche Verluste auf dem Schlachtfeld” was declared by a US-Regierungsvertreter at Mittwoch in Washington. When Russia and North Korea come, with an attentive staff, then they die “in the time of administration and not in the business of Parliament”.

British Green Affairs Minister John Healey spoke at a press conference in London in a “brutal escalation of several seiten Pjöngjangs”. This is a Zeichen der Verzweiflung Russlands, which is the same of a country like the Nordkorea Unterstützung such.

Verteidigungsminister Pistorius: “Bin ziemlich besorgt”

German Green Affairs Minister Boris Pistorius said it was a “new quality and a new evolution of art” in Ukraine’s Krieg Russia. “I am still interested in the Entwicklung,” said the SPD-Politiker.

Pistorius and Healey are on a mission to create a joint cooperation between Germany and Britain. At the end of the flight, as the German air travel, the U-boat is on the move, it is in Schottland station werden. The NATO-Ostflanke station is located in the Länder Länder künftig eng kooperieren.

The G7 supports Ukraine with billions of credits

The G7, the group of major Western industrial groups, is busy with its activities for Ukraine. Before a US-Register, our Partner will receive a credit of 50 billion US Dollars – or 46 billion Euros – from Ukraine. The credit is only due to the distribution of the Russian version. An official publication of the G7 State in the Sache is available so far.

With information from AFP and dpa