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Millions for Trump-Wähler: US Justice Department warns Musk

The Tech-Billiardär and the Trump-Unterstützer Elon Musk hat laut Medienberichten eine Warning vom US-Justizministerium wegen seiner Millionengeschenke and Wähler bekommen.

Musks organization “America PAC” has words articulated so that the action is möglicherweise gegen US-Wahlrecht verstoße, berichteten die TV-Sender CNN And BNC Please contact us to inform your person.

The Justice Department will not provide any information on the announcement without comment.

Win a million dollars and a Wähler in an umkämpften state

Musk has a chance to win one million dollars (prize 929,000 euros) and a Wähler registered in a member state of the United States.

The Aktion was registered by the Wählerinnen and Wähler, and a conservative petition was launched. Darin geht es un “die freie Meinungsäußerung and the Recht, Waffen zu tragen” – that’s what the Musks organization “America PAC” says in Leben Gerufen. This organization supports the Wahlkampf camp of Republican presidential candidates. Donald Trump.

The first millions of checks written to Musk in Pennsylvania

The US-Wahlrecht is in its verboten, Bürgern Geld dafür zu zahlen, dass sie abstimmen oder sich dafür registrieren. Nach Musks Worten soll das Millionengeschenk der Petition more Aufmerksamkeit verschaffen. Critics of the action of Professor Rick Hasen of the University of California Los Angeles see a problem and have not been registered with Wähler. Man könne dies thus interpreted, dass die Gabe des Gelds einen Anreiz zur Registrierung schaffe, argumentierte Hasen. Am Montag is a state and leadership group of the Department of Justice Washington Post If you want to do something about it, you should do it.

The first million-dollar checks were written by Musk at home in the heart of Pennsylvania. The American state wonders about what is happening, but there are 19 times more things. For the seat of president, the man must introduce 270 Wahlleuten measures.

Trump will be Musk to Wahlsieg in just one day

Musk supports Trump by stretching his finances with millions in spending. Trump will expect that the head of the car manufacturer Tesla in the Falles Wahlsiegs and Spitze eines Gremiums zur Überprüfung der US-Finanzen gesetzt werden könnte. Musk only has the Regierungsausgaben kürzen, said Trump.

The billionaire is often very happy with his comments from Tesla and the benefits of his company SpaceX. For all the Tesla players, Musk has invested a rich man of the world with an investment worth $240 million.