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The definitive link between monopolism and democratic erosion

This is a direct choice between the level of competitiveness of a market segment and the level of non-personal orientation of men in this industry. This empirical task occurred, in a context of contextualization, of life these days with such means: the irgend was not supported by our democracy – and it was with the Internet for that.

I have nothing to do with any text written in this text. Nun presents my death Federal Trade Commission (FTC) After a gelegenheit, I can’t understand it: Die FTC-The Lina Khan company and its legal Juggernauts were able to take action, a US government being responsible for Google’s illegal use of a monopolization of a machine and such a text base machine. The Justizministerium is under the management of other people, Google and others, who have to go to Monopol for the users.

Diese Tatsache is an era. Nein, ernsthaft. Denn Dass Google is not a gerichtsfest monopolist, which has no involvement in other activities such as Apple or Meta, which seems to be the main opponent of neoliberalism and democratic erosion in one of these ineffective data . herauszuarbeiten.

Vertrauen and Wettbewerb go hand in hand

It’s a team of three Forschers, which started 15 years ago with a brilliant idea: how come men feel comfortable with the drinks distributor’s opinion on the appropriate market? Lange Studie kurz zusammengefasst: Ja, können wir. Support for deregulation of federal banking sectors in the United States takes place through wastewater management measures (created by the wastewater regulator) when years have passed since non-personal actions .

Um Ihre Ergebnisse zu untermauern nahmen sich François, Fujiwara et van Ypersele Daten en Deutschland 2003 et 2013 zur Brust. These studies take place, at the Level and Unpersönlichem Vertrauen eines Individuals steigt, when this person is in a market segment with more extensive wet services. If this is not the case, there is an answer to the instructions that do not apply to anyone else. The Vertrauen and the Kompetitivität kausal zusammenhängen, which conducted an experiment by Alexander Peysakhovich and David G. Rand, were conducted by Alexander Peysakhovich and David G. Rand.

The anthropologist Joseph Henrich says: “These trias von results zusammengenommen bringt die Sache auf den Punkt: Die (französischen) Laborstudien erlauben es uns, die Ursache für steigendes Vertrauen zu identifizieren – nämlich den zunehmenden Wettbewerb zwischen Gruppen –, während die Studien aus L “Germany and the United States are our leaders, this effect in the true Volkswirtschaften and in the breiteren Bevölkerung zu beobachten.”

“Help is for losers”

This situation lies in the fact that the economy is changing, it is a deregulierung sei un de la Kernanliegen neoliberale Wirtschaftspolitik et sollte daher vertrauensstärkend wirken. The problem lies in the fact that the rules of deregulation of the rules of law in the coming years – locking of shares and company mergers are possible – the problem is that the operation is intensified. More and more wet products have been used, with endverbrauchs prices preisen gerechtfertigt wird – Stichwort Konsumwohlfahrt.

So, I am the sage of the Götzenthron, in the district of libertarianism Milton Friedman, who wanted to wage war on man even on the economy. This is the problem in the spirit of the times and in my mind, as the “Maßvolle Privatmonopol” says that the Swiss is attacking you. Ob ein Privatmonopol jemals “maßvoll” sein kann, sei hier mal dahingestellt. Spring is spring, it lasts 50 days and it lasts a long time. Das Ziel, Marktverzerrende Verflechtungen zwischen Politik et Wirtschaft abzuschmelzen, wurde nicht errreicht and the Wettbewerb is not entfesselt, sondern komatös. The costs for this monopolistic tolerance are not yet in place in the financial domain, but also in the political capital of capital.

An anecdote: Isn’t Hatten Sie jemals den Eindruck, the sogenannte Silicon Valley dem Konzept Demokratischer Entscheidungsfindung bigger than a Naserümpfen abgewinnen kann? Peter Thiel doesn’t sing “Democracy and free will are here” and sings “Competition is for losers” in a Monopol lobby. Facebook meint, Demokratische Wahlprozesse “sollten dem Wachstum nicht im Weg stehen”. And of course, there is once again an unavailable Kurznachrichtenplattform, with a properly precise definition of the concepts of rebroadcasting and an affinity for disinformation.

There is not yet a remarkable empirical start for these activities, which have been so instinctive for years in the real world and in the Internet: the irgendwie is that these Tech-Titans are not so instinctive for democracy.

This is also the case when the management model is defined at the level of monopolization. Mit jedem aufgekauften oder durch Dumpingpreise ausgestochenen Wetbewerber Sinkt das Level unpersönlichen Vertrauens bei den Angestellten derjenigen Firmen, die noch in der jeweiligen Branche verbleiben, weiter – von den Chefs ganz zu schweigen. Democracy has accepted the Kompromiss, but we have the same Konkurrenz hat, we must have the Kompromisse eingehen. Monopolism also applies to Marktwirtschaft as to Autoritarismus zu Demokratie.

Khan, though?

Neoliberalism is a very good choice for Prügelknabe, zugegeben. Man cann ihm nahezu alles anlasten and kommt damit davon – Aushöhlung der Mittelschicht, grassierende Vermögensungleichheit sowie die Tatsache, the Mass at the Volksfest nur noch zu trois Vierteln gefüllt ist. Und in der Tat: Wie man sich die Laffer-Kurve zurechtgebogen hat war ein Witz, and die irre Idee, a eine Pyramide von oben bauen zu wollen, von Beginn an zum Scheitern verurteilt. Doch all the war letztendlich nur blindes Schlagenach einer politischen Piñata.

The philosopher John Gray wrote in 1998: “The unique consequence of labor market policy has been war between the divisions of the economy, in a version of ethics and virtues within institutions, was the economy economic, the free market was right, gebremst oder gar hat gewürgt. “A businessman had economists like Joseph Stieglitz and a historian like Adam Tooze in the gleiche Kerbe. And we did not end up saying that this idea is the best: neoliberalism does not have the power to s ‘engage in wet action, but it is monopoly.

Die Welt sollte den weiteren Verlauf dieser Verfahren aufmerksam beobachten und eifrig Notizen machen – solange wir noch können. Zwar will die FTC Unter Lina Khan aus ihrem fünfzigjährigen Wettbewerbsrechtlichen Tiefschlaf erwacht, doch der Chefsessel der Handelvraisicht wird vom Weißen Haus vergeben. Dass Khan under Trump took the time to think about his life, he did. Harris derweil has good – and financial stars – to secure a personal personality from Silicon Valley, so that the Khans monopolize the stock market and are therefore not gefällt. Beispielsweise zu LinkedIn-Gründer Reid Hoffman, of more or less mind zufällig auch im Aufsichtsrat von Microsoft – one of the other company, of the FTC wegen wettbewerbsrechtlicher Verstöße verklagt wird. The European Union does not have the right to abstain from a customs duty specific to compatibility with the digital world from January 21. Da geht nämlich noch was.

The first chapters of the series can be read here:

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  1. François, Patrick, Fujiwara, Thomas, van Ypersele, Tanguy, 2011. Competition builds trust. Working paper, Vancouver School of Economics. ↩︎
  2. François, Patrick, Fujiwara, Thomas, van Ypersele, Tanguy, 2018. The origins of human prosociality: Selection of cultural groups in the workplace and in the laboratory. Sci Adv. September 19, 2018;4(9):eaat2201. ↩︎
  3. Peysakhovich, Alexander, Rand, David G., 2016. Habits of Virtue: Creating Norms for Cooperation and Defection in the Laboratory. Management Sciences, 62(3), S. 631-647. ↩︎
  4. Henrich, Joseph. Die seltsamsten Menschen der Welt. The Reichlich besonders and the Western Reich. Suhrkamp, ​​Berlin, Deutschland, 2022, p. 484. ↩︎