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A2A-Payments: ISX Financial Plc manages payments management

Stock exchange applicant ISX Financial Plc (ISXPlc, ISIN: CY020086101) offers a clear vision, when the Open Banking program is designed for: clear, secure and easy-to-use solutions in card transactions – with practical solutions for expensive managers and sellers. These games are based on A2A-Payments and are in Rolle.

The potential of A2A solutions

A2A-Zahlungen (Konto-zu-Konto-Zahlungen) is not a trend, but it is revolutionizing art and things, like sellers and abwickeln transaction companies. Retail service providers are able to establish direct contact with an electronic provider from one bank window to another, through your banking service provider. There are more advantages: A2A-Payemts is an efficient and secure transaction method, which guarantees minimum planning, convenience and cost.

We offer you A2A solutions by experts’ preferences and solutions for systems, secure methods and security strategies in digital technology such as Open-Banking solutions. Thus, A2A-Payments allows you to benefit from a more efficient payment method: you can easily use your cash flow tools to use them efficiently, and help you better control your finances. We set up A2A Payments on a regular basis with SEPA and are also a two-way alternative for transactions and transactions.

ISXPlc: PaidBy® defined by the company A2A

A2A protection measures are taken into account in regulatory activities such as PSD2 and the global Open Banking regulations are taken into account worldwide. A2A fits into the e-commerce sector with huge potential. Denn in die Segment können Händler Kreditkartengebühren umgehen und gleichzeitig aine reibungslose Kundenerfahrung ermöglichen. Another Schub kommt durch Echtzeitzahlungen und international Anwendungsfälle.

The management companies McKinsey¹ have a leading role in the Open Banking of the A2A-Zahlungen vereinfacht and the grenzüberschreitende Zahlungen effizienter gestalten könnte, were created by the new global market. Once you have installed A2A-Lösungen in your integrated system, you will see the latest revolutions.

ISX Financial Plc is now at Bereich A2A Payments in a Rolle center. Thanks to the PaidBy® platform, Open Banking and combined solutions allow you to carry out efficient and direct transactions. PaidBy® took place in 2023 in the market and is the first European A2A end-to-end version, traditional online note cards and Push-Only ad of the first generation are offered and downloaded. ISXPlc positions itself as an innovator and builder of industries, entrepreneurs and consumers with unique and secure know-how.

Nikogiannis Karantzis, Managing Director and CEO of ISX Financial Plc, responded in an interview²: “Our company is the financial services leadership for management, security and costs for companies that go further in the avant-garde group.

Check out the ISX Financial guide or helpful resources. An email to Eva Reuter: E-mail with the indications: Verteiler ISX Financial or Nebenwerte.

ISX Financial



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