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Forscher entdecken revolutionäres “System 0”

What annoys you when it comes to artistic intelligence? Schlauer? Schneller? The Wissenschaftler now have an interesting presentation: through the interaction between Mensch and KI-Tools like ChatGPT, a balanceg does not correspond to the Denk system. This new form of “external denkens” allows you to have high cognitive drama knowledge – it is created from risk.

Dank KI: Upgrade for Gehirn?

The research team at Mailand Catholic University was first systematically taken care of, like the teamwork of two men and artistic intelligence before their eyes. Ihre Erkenntnis: Neben den aus der Psychologie bekannten Denksystemen 1 and 2 existiert in drittes System. This new “System 0” identification now works as an external festive plaque for our house: These gigantische Datenmengen verarbeiten und aufbereiten, benötigt aber zwingend menschliche Interpretation, um die Ergebnisse zu deuten (Quelle: Nature Human Behavior (Paywall)).

The evolution of the Denkens

The classic zugrundeliegen scientific system was written by the psychologist and Nobel Prize winner Daniel Kahneman. System 1 It’s like our Bauchgefühl – it’s simple and intuitive, without us having to do practical things, and we will be able to carry out a research project or simple research work. System 2 This is our Kopfdenken – which is kommt zum Einsatz, when we have conceptual methods and language and analysis work, for an example of reading a complete mathematical tool or a plan of a life.

The new system 0 describes the interaction with the KI system as well as usage on our part. Man can be seen in his art Selbstgespräch mit einem nahezu allwissenden Teil des Ichs. We offer information, filtering and organization services. Die Forscher concrete en jedoch: The final Kontrolle and Entscheidung darüber, welche KI-generierten Informationen wie werwendet werden, muss beim Menschen bleiben. “If we have KI’s passive acquisition methods, we will offer you high-quality solutions, autonomous and innovative ideas to get you started,” warn the experts.

Quiz for each Denksystem 1

Why do two established distribution systems exist?

System 1 (intuitive, schnelles Denken) and System 2 (analytical, reflective Denken).

Was the Zwischen 0 system and the menschlichem Denken grundlegende?

System 0 is based on interaction with external tools and an advantageous menschliche interpretation of the ergebnisse.

Is the biggest problem the system 0 configuration?

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