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Brazil: Guterres heads to Russia Frieden for Ukraine and Ukraine

António Guterres at Brics-Gipfel in Kasan. Photo: Alexandre Zemlianichenko/Pool AP/AP
António Guterres at Brics-Gipfel in Kasan. Photo: Alexandre Zemlianichenko/Pool AP/AP


UN Secretary General António Guterres was in the Bricks-Gipfel in the Russian millionaire town of Kasan Frieden for the Gaza Strip and Lebanon, but Russia took over Ukraine.

“Wir brauchen Frieden in der Ukraine. Another Frieden, in the introduction to the Charter of the United Nations, international law and the resolution of the general agreement of the UN, said. Das Völkerrecht voir l’Unverletzlichkeit territoriale von Staaten vor, die Generalversammlung hatte den Rückzug russischer Truppen aus ukrainischem Gebiet gefordert. Russia bean is still in Ukraine.

The Reise of the Secretaries General of the United Nations in Russia is written. In the Western press, the Portuguese press tried hard to be criticized, because it arrived in Kasan, and it took place during the Lebanon conference in Paris, without any video. Auch bei the Friedenskonferenz für die Ukraine in the Schweiz im Juni fehlte er. The London daily “The Times” presents Guterres’ Reise as Putin’s boss.

The Office of the UN Secretaries-General is involved in the University, and the UN Secretary-General has also been contacted by the Vergangenheit Brics-Treffen. The Organization is international so it is not available. There are interesting things to do, the offers have not been created for Ukraine and Russia for the big holes.

Putin responds spöttische

The head of the Kremlin, Wladimir Putin, has received no response from the Rede of UN Secretaries General. In order to formulate, the Welt könne nur als un “global Familie” gemeinsam die Probleme lösen, contrate er spöttisch. The world is like a family. “In Familien gibt es leider oft Zerwürfnisse, Skandale und Streit ums Eigentum. “It’s time to take action,” Putin said.

The Brics are a state Bundeswehr, from the first region of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Inzwischen gehören ihr auch Ägypten, Äthiopien et die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate an. Zum Gipfel is integrated with more than 20 state and district heads for all angry countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America.