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New Crypto-Börse for Handel: Das sind die Versprechen

Read on FTX: Deutsche Patrick Gruhn will be with a new fair and secure Handel cryptocurrency exchange.

Read on FTX: Deutsche Patrick Gruhn will be with a new fair and secure Handel cryptocurrency exchange.

  • German officer and ex-FTX mitstreiter Patrick Gruhn has launched a new cryptocurrency exchange in Europe.
  • Gruhn Anlegern den justen et sicheren Handel mit Krypto-Produkten ermöglichen. Seine Firma will be fully available within the framework of European regulations.
  • I will start with with 100 million US dollars paid. We had to do it with Patrick Gruhn, and it was the wish of Anders Machen from Krypto-Handel.

Cryptocurrencies are locked – and often very risky. Starke Kursschwankungen cannot take risks. Another liegt in der schwer durchschaubaren Landschaft von Anbietern und Handelsplätzen. The event will take place from the IPO of the American cryptocurrency exchange FTX 2022. One, the only way to do it, is not the best way. German crypto pioneer Patrick Gruhn has launched a new exchange in Europe. In Ziel: Anlegern den justen and sicheren Handel mit Krypto-Produkten zu ermöglichen. They are expected to start their market by 2025 under the company in a financing program of 100 million US dollars. Was it steckt dahinter? We were invited by Patrick Gruhn to do so.

Gruhn kommt aus der Nähe von Hannover. Professionals, lawyers, legal scholars, and programmers have been traveling to the United States for years. 2021 arrived in Europe within digital assets worth $300 million and was sold by Sam Bankman-Frieds FTX, which is also the FTX-Europe company. Später kaufte Gruhn mit Partnern die Firma für ein Zehntes des Geldes aus der FTX-Insolvenz zurück. Für Aufsehen sorgte er also, including the watch of the rich passengers of the Titanic ersteigerte.

Nun also der Neustart mit new Unternehmen. itself offers Krypto products. The Hauptgeschäft is the basis of the Bereitstellen a new Finanzmarkt-Infrastruktur. The companies are building a multilateral trading system for crypto products, as well as a real marketplace. The platform is fertig. “We’re going to test for a year,” Gruhn said in the Business Insider statement. Ein stiller Start mit ausgewählten Kunden soll Mitte Novembre erfolgen. The real Marktstart will take place on January 1, 2025.

Gruhn nennt “disruptiv”. Mit der Platform will be the Krypto-Landschaft in Europe prägen and “an important Beitrag zur Weiterentwicklung des Krypto-Sektors weltweit leisten”. Das klingt groß, dabei ist Gruhns Versprechen first a simple: “Wir wollen ermöglichen, the Kunden fair handeln können.” “We are completely new, if you are looking for available products,” Gruhn said and said: “We will explain to you what is happening at a large CFD provider.”

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Patrick Gruhn, the German cryptography pioneer, traveled to a ranch in the United States with urban skeletons, other books and a berühmten watch on the Titanic.

Watch of the Titanic-Passagier for a versteigert record: Dieser 43-jährige deutsche Krypto-Millionär, kaufte sie

“Bei vielen Anbietern sind Kunden eher Opfer”

The best Contract for Difference (CFD) companies, on the market with all the chances, risks and buying options, will allow you to generate high profits. „Bei den meisten CFD-Providern macht die überwiegende Zahl der Anleger Verluste. It’s in the system that he’s so angelic. Denn die Verluste der Anleger sind die Gewinne der Betreiber,” he said.

“The CFD publisher is its own market maker and can also rely on the price.” For the Anleger Berge, the big risk. We explain to you again today: “CFD providers and offshore banks often have opportunities.

Mit Perpetuals will be Gruhn den Markt vom Kopf auf die Beine stellen. The company’s current policy indicates: “We are now regulated by Sauber. There are two companies, a real exchange for perpetuals, as well as a multilateral sales platform, during the 24 hours of the day and if you have time to sell them. Drittens bieten wir eigene tokenisierte Product an.

Gruhn: “We guarantee the show, the Stopp-Loss-Kurse auch eingehalten werden. The risk of the big Kursrutschen attacking the platform, is not the way to do it. Perpetuals have an interest in the future, but they are not linked to your business. We are to date, searches on are efficient and the longest transactions possible on our machen platform.

Learn more about the fall of the Krypto FTX exchange

And this time, they were also within FTX. “We can have your own Crypto Wallet in a completely different use. We already have darauf keinen Zugriff. Damit cannn eine Veruntreuung wie FTX nicht passieren.

In Sachen Regulierung, Gruhn gebranntes Kind. In terms of the FTX connector, it’s very practical. “The markets for crypto products have an example, the regulations and case law are clear,” said Gruhn, the liberal-conservative regulator. Another thing: This is strict regulation and oversight for FTX, where Sam Bankman-Fried is still unaware. The child prodigy who fell from the Krypto-Branch can be found in a Haftstrafe from around January 25.

Perpetuals are managed by aus Zypern licenses, also compliant with European regulations. “We will help the Lizenz in the next women,” says Gruhn. Die IT ist in Frankfurt angesiedelt. Dort stehen eigene Server in einem Rechenzentrum. “Frankfurt is one of the best node points for the Internet,” Gruhn said. “IT in Frankfurt is under the guidance of the new DORA regulations and financial market standards for the corporate sales system.” Die Fairness betreffe jedes Detail, Gruhn said: “We guarantee all objects of the different cables. »

“More potential in testing the active platform and putting the platform live itself when starting,” Gruhn said. There is a potential benefit for the entrepreneur: “The amount of liquidity will expand on the platform and be displayed on a single market with a reasonable price. »

One such item is available – under a new name – via FTX Europe. “Das Unternehmen, das wir aus der Insolvenz von FTX zurückgekauft haben, werden wir weiterverkaufen,” Gruhn said. This is an interest on the part of the broker on our management platform.

“ is a new comprehensive service and is not in the Swiss FTX Europe digital assets legal file.”

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Bisher Perpetuals 25 Beschäftigte hat. The total price is 15 free. The big inspectors are Gruhn themselves and Robin Matzke, both in the digital asset and border wars. This is one investor writes: “In a first round, we spent $5 million on the company’s project. We had to do this early in the market at a valuation of $100 million,” Gruhn said. We have a venture capital fund that is dedicated to investments in blockchain, Web 3 and other advanced technologies .

The first financing program must be accompanied by losses. “A second event occurred in the past year – also early and evident. »

“Europe has a lot of investment in Crypto in a clear moment as a standortvorteil in the United States,” Gruhn said. “Through consistency and strict regulation in Europe – there can be no one else – act as the Place to be for cryptocurrency investments. »

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