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INTILION welcomes the European Battery Hub in Paderborn – pv magazine Deutschland

The energy specialist INTILION in Paderborn has spare parts and battery holders in the central center of the new rich European battery center of the company Hartmann International in Paderborn. Durch die Lage in the Mitte Deutschlands guaranteeert der Standort eine Anbindung an alle wichtigen Verkehrsknoten und Häfen sowie an die Kunden des Batteriespeicherintegrators. “For a large and small project and for a large company, we have simple and comprehensive solutions with comprehensive configuration systems and customer solutions at the same time,” says Philipp Knaup, Head of Operations. Officer at INTILION.

The European Battery Hub is located near an underwater tunnel directly and an international shipping terminal, which handles all shipping work for Hartmann International’s international shipping business. Intelligent data management ensures that the battery module is able to guarantee optimal charging.

Lagerung nach Gefahrenstoffklasse 9

The Lager is supplied at the Anforderungen der Gefahrenstoffklasse 9, die eine Lagerung von Batteriespeichern voraussetzt. It is subject to automatic washing and stable room temperature. “Our New Hub – the European Battery Hub – is in Europe a bit on par with the themes sichere Prozesse, modernste Technik and optimal Steuerung angeht,” said Björn-Peter Böhme, Geschäftsführer von Hartmann International et verantwortlich für den Bereich der Gefahrstofflagerung. I am the new European Battery Hub starting the interview process. Am Eingangsgate wird die Ware überprüft und die Eingangstemperatur gemessen. “Therefore, if the Ware is there, it is easy to use it,” says Björn-Peter Böhme.

Drohne guarantees maximum Sicherheit

Während der Lagerung überwacht un Drohne die Waren 24/7. This is why I am in the inventory management system in real time and taking into account a single photo of the standard support. The drone is used with an authenticated thermal image scanner. “So let yourself be taken away or prepare cold drinks, sodas will be prepared and prepared directly so that we can eliminate the beer,” said Böhme.

INTILION and Hartmann International address a long association of partners. “You have found our Heimatstandort in Paderborn and your choice for a modern supplier of baked goods, which is directly available. We have longer items at your store level in a storage stand – items for pallet utensils as well as battery racks with up to 4 storage barrels. Mit Hartmann International has a perfect partnership,” said Philipp Knaup.


Die INTILION AG is an agency for innovative, highly gradual and integrated energy solutions. The portfolio of products and services integrates seamlessly into relevant systems and critical infrastructures such as businesses, industry and enterprises. INTILION’s lithium-ion energy storage system has a storage capacity of 70 kWh to 100 MWh. Mit ihrem Angebot an Lösungen und Dienstleistungen ist die INTILION AG Vorreiterin auf dem Weg zu einer kohlenstofffreien, flexiblen and digitalen Energiebranche et ermöglicht den Übergang zu klimaneutraler, erneuerbarer et sauber Energie. There are local, regional and international energy suppliers, suppliers of systems and Engineering-Procurement-Construction(EPC)-Auftragnehmer in Europe. Die INTILION AG is headquartered in Paderborn and takes care of the facilities of the HOPPECKE group of companies, with over 95 years of know-how and technical expertise in Bereich Batterien auszeichnet. The INTILION AG has proposed more than 100 Mitarbeiter and Mitarbeiterinnen and this, in April 2024, for the 5-year Firmenjubiläum gefeiert. Further information is available at