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Hanmi Financial Earned US$0.25 Fourth Quarter Dividend From

LOS ANGELES – Hanmi Financial Corporation (NASDAQ: HAFC), the parent company of Hanmi Bank, has issued a quarterly dividend of US$0.25 per share for the first quarter of 2024. The dividend will occur on November 20, 2024 and the The share will be generated on November 4, 2024 after the registration of shares under the registration of shares.

Hanmi Financial with headquarters in Los Angeles, California, between Hanmi Bank, which is in multi-ethnic associations. The companies use a network of 32 branches and the best credit services in the US federal states, including California, Texas, Illinois, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Colorado, Washington and Georgia . Le Schwerpunkt der Bank liegt auf der Bereitstellung von Immobilien-, Gewerbe-, SBA- et Handelsfinanzierungsdiensten für small und mittelständische Unternehmen.

This distribution of dividends is ensured by Hanmi’s strategic measures, efficient capital for operation and return shares for the property. The establishment of a fortified network of the higher education society aims to optimize action and offer solid funding for engagement for a broader balance sheet.

Die Pressemitteilung enthält auch zukunftsgerichtete Aussagen über Hanmis erwartete zukünftige operative and finanzielle Leistung, Geschäftsstrategien et als Erwartungen. This use involves unexpected risks and risks, as they can happen, as tattoos are usually due to abweichen prognoses. Factors, the Hanmis zukünftige Leistung beeinflussen können, umfassen wirtschaftliche Bedingungen, Marktvolatilität, Verbraucherverhalten, demografische Verschiebungen, Wettbewerb, Zinsschwankungen, technologische Veränderungen, Regulatorische Änderungen and other operational risks.

Hinge measures will be taken to avoid risks and potential risks, in particular in the premises of the agencies of the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States, which will be detailed as for example within the framework of Form 10-K of April 31. . End of December 2023 Geschäftsjahr und in nachfolgenden Berichten.

The information contained in these articles is presented in a press release from Hanmi Bank.

In other activities, the Hanmi Financial Corporation incorporated a strong financial budget for the quarter 2024. The net gain of the companies reached 14.9 million US dollars or 0.49 US dollars for a current stock, managed by a Verbal net margin and net worth. enen Creditbereichen . CEO Bonnie Lee engaged in strategic initiatives by launching the Korean Enterprise Initiative and new subsidiary operations in Atlanta and Seoul, leading the subsidiary company in Koreatown Plaza.

The volume of corporate investment credit is 2%, with German Steigerungen bei gewerblichen Immobilien-, Gewerbe- und Industriekrediten sowie Wohnungsbaukrediten. Savings loans stand at 5% on US$8.4 million, allowing insurance loans to expand slightly. Das Management erwartet für das Jahr un niedriges bis mittleres einstelliges Tuscany et rechnet mit Kostensteigerungen aufgrund seasonaler Werbe- und Promotionsausgaben.

These new investment programs cover the prospects and strategic positioning of Hanmi Financials. The Allerdings is the leichte Anstieg der Risikovorsorge auf 1.11% et die Schließung der Filiale im Koreatown Plaza zu Beachten. Laut Analysten werden die zukünftigen Plane des Unternehmen von den Marktbedingungen abhängen, wobei der Fokus auf der Aufrechterhaltung uns Gleichgewichts 2swischen Portfoliozinserträgen et Verkaufsmöglichkeiten liegt.

InvestingPro Insights

Hanmi Financial Corporation’s new dividend is located within the balance sheet of investors currently realizing the shares. Laut InvestingPro-Daten has a dividend rate of 4.64% (Stand: let us see the information). These attractive returns were achieved due to Hanmis’ dividend history, InvestingPro advice was followed, investors received a dividend for 12 years and these dividends were withdrawn for 3 years.

The financial law of the robust War Bank, with a purchase price of the Kurdistanis of 9.68 years, was announced, the action in the purchase of your things being underestimated. This investment, combined with the tattoo, of Hanmi in the 52-Wochen-Hoch Gehandelt Wird, Zeigt das Vertrauen der Investoren in die Zukunftsaussichten des Unternehmens.

Trotz Herausforderungen wie schwachen Bruttogewinnnnmargen, as in the InvestingPro Tips, has been implemented by Hanmi Widerstandsfähigkeit. The hard return of entrepreneurs to the Letzten Monat and the German Kursanstieg in the broader positive Letzten Monaten sechs spiegeln die Marktstimmung. According to analysts’ forecasts, Hanmi was as profitable as possible in this month, for the high security of investors, in the dividend policy aufrechtzuerhalten, of gute Alsochten bietet.

For investors, a comprehensive analysis such as InvestingPro offers you 11 useful tips for Hanmi Financial Corporation, an overview of the financial economy and the business position of investors.

This Übersetzung wurde mithilfe künstlicher Intelligenz erstellt. Please note that further information is required to provide additional information.