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Das Experiment – Roman regt zum Nachdenken über derzeitige gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen an

This image in large format (openPR) In a Teil Europas hat sich am End des 21. Jahrhunderts ein perverses System established. A politician mutierter Genetiker erschafft eine Gesellschaft, deren Hauptbestandteil geklonte Menschen sind. Within Hightech-Volk, the device is controlled and operated. Because of this Klone, there is a clean individual, free of his needs, whose intellectual environment is up to par, who must be focused on genetics for industry and normal research and ausgebildete Menschen beschäftigen. Henri Lasar, one of the greatest sages of the House of Clone, found that he was a life for the best immunity against poverty thanks to the “Amt for Lebenshaltung and Orientierung” that he had. In the Institute for Ambitious Quantitative Mechanics, in their work, they are speaking out, but the opposition is led by an anti-man regime.

THE Roman Please note that the bedside controls are included in the following instructions. At the end of 21 years, men are the best in the society of exploitation of men, through chips implanted in their clothes and in their hands, according to the directive of one of the best manipulated and manipulated genetics.

The scientific work of a mass of men and creativity is possible, so that naturally living men are not visible. You will thus be able to control the implanted chips. Einer von ihnen, der Wissenschaftler H., steht im Mittelpunkt der Geschichte. He is present in an Institute of Quantum Mechanics, working and working on Lebewesen teleportation. Dank seiner Kreativität steigt er in der Hierarchie auf, doch seine Arbeit erfordert, dass er sich immer wieder the Überwachung entzieht. Dadurch eröffnet sich für H. die Möglichkeit, sich langsam zu einem free denkenden et fühlenden Menschen zu entwickeln.

The author nutzt dies, at the head of the Wissenschaftlers H. zu Henri Lasar zu erzählen, der schließlich berufen ist, the tyrannische Regime des Genetikers zu stürzen. This expansion extends to concrete measures and respect for human rights, to current political and political themes. In the comments pages of the protagonists, democratic democracy left at the end of the 21st. The months took place within the framework of strategic action and in a born crisis – a theme, which is also in the current of the history.

Pierre Reuther:
The experience

306 pages | tuberculosis | 978-3-933037-79-4 | €19.90

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