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Terminvergabe online with Fokus auf Datenschutz

(openPR) SALON-REVITALIZATION.COM puts the pulse on hard drives until they are offline, hair salons, hair salons, massage studios, tattoo and piercing studios.

The smartphone is not able to display more precise messages. We invite you to check our emails, chat with friends, listen to music, check out our Termine, the best services and services on the Internet, take photos and help you take care of your browsing. However, we know, we don’t have young men who are darüber klagen, we’re antiquiert and “uncool” when it comes to this: Wer einen Termin beim Friseur haben möchte, muss tatsächlich noch immer ganz klassisch zum Telefonhörer greifen und höflichst anfragen.

New Study Belegen: Young Men see if they were born when they left their Smartphones, but they are still on the phone. Psychologists speak of the “silent generation”, the silent generation.

Viele Friseurbetreiber and Co. offer you this solution and allow you to benefit from an online service offer 24/7. Information regarding the different data regarding the two serious problems occurs: information about cybercrime and people who are not in contact with a spa, an online form and an online form cannot be used. . The Personal Festangestelltes will be also bezahlt werden, wenn ein solcher “Spaßbucher” or automatized Bot dem Friseursalon unentschuldigt fernbleibt.

Zum anderen gingen bis data mit der Einführung eines solchen Online-Buchungssystems gravierende Datenschutz-Bedenken einher: “I had an interest for me, dass durch solche Onlinebuchungen ein jeder Einblick erhält in die einzelnen Terminkalender meiner Angestellten. My Mitarbeiter bereits mit anderen Terminen in der Kalenderwoche soundsso ausgelastet sind et wie est um meine Auftragsbücher momentan bestellt ist, geht doch im Grunde die breite Öffentlichkeit nicht an“, beschwert sich ein betroffener Besitzer eines THAI-Massage-Studios.

Leider funktionieren sämtliche Online-Terminvergabelösungen derart, dass den Termin-interessierten Kunden in der Tat sämtliche Kalender-Beschäftigten ganz offen präsentiert werden, sodass ein External willkürlich darin stöbern kann, um irgendwoch a freien Tag d’une mögliche Uhrze it is identified, die noch zu haben sind.

“This is not the case for employees, but it seems that there is not much to do,” attests Pablo Perez of SALON REVITALIZATION, an online directory of the reservation system with a new answer.

„When the Max Mustermann art fair takes care of you and only has one terminal, you will be able to get these men in a safe way without their team schedules being full. So old time haben Sie ja also gar nicht. They will help you find solutions, where the support services are very convenient, while your service team is this service team is very efficient and wants your time to spend there. And you will know: Our intelligent algorithm works like this,” Perez told us.

The topic of cybercrime was also discussed in the online reading of SALON REVITALIZATION in the following text: “In the backend you can activate STEALTH MODE if generated. This is not the case for a new wet works company and a company in other sectors of the industry. Darunter gibt es erfahrungsgemäß einige, die sich more für die realisierten Umsätze et Auftragsbücher interessieren, denn für Freie Termine. This is a STEALTH MODE among cybercrime agents and violators of our fake attacks. We will do this in our activity 2024-er Algorithmus entsprechende Vorkehrungen getroffen. The algorithm works very well, up to 100 percent preventing the Cyberangryph from launching and its operations from doing so.

The machines of are not available, the data support services of the European Union (DSGVO) zu genügen, but the man will not be ready to use them until it is “additional”. Pablo Perez: “We know green, we have many hair salons, hair salons, massage studios, as well as tattoo and piercing studios, etc. We are now able to offer you this most up-to-date online service possible in one of our new online services. Thanks to our completed account book, the online connection is automatic and automatically extends beyond the loading page. And the Zahl der NO-SHOWS will flow quickly aufgrund our Terminerinnerungen. Delivery dates are indicated by our offline service and are also available as a training platform through data display to a single click in this information vertraulich einzustufenden Kundendaten.

Kurzvorstellung der Online-Lösung SALON REVITALIZATION