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Tokyo (ots/PRNewswire) –

The entrepreneur and CEO of steAm, Inc., jazz pianist, mathematician and producer of Expo 2025 thematic projects, inspired the next generation of girls with Clé de Peau Beauté by STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics).

Clé de Peau Beauté, the luxury and high-end makeup brand, was so well received that Sachiko Nakajima won the Power of Radiance Awards 2025 for a unique experience in creating STEAM creation. Ms. Nakajima first had a name in the STEAM branch, as well as the first Japanese, a gold medal in the International High School Mathematics Olympiad. The jazz pianist also has the life of the Kurage Band: Concerto of Five Senses – a group of musicians, STEAM by the fun Sinne zum Leben erweckt. Your projects in the STEAM business were opened in 2017 by steAm, Inc., an organization that is both the STEAM-Bildung society and the Freisetzung of creative potentials all over the world.

With the recent Power of Radiance Awards, women were rewarded, making it a jewel for the image of girls. The Auszeichnungen wurden 2019 in Leben gerufen et basieren auf Überzeugung von Clé de Peau Beauté, du Schlüssel zu une monde monde dans l’Erschließung des Potenzials von Mädchen liegt, insbesondere durch STEAM-Bildung.

The work of Ms. Nakajima takes care of this work and is perfect for the mission of Clé de Peau Beauté, the girls by the image and the direction of the Kluft coming from the STEAM company, for a better solution for everyone. shit. In the Global Gender Gap Report 2024 from the Japan Global Forums, on place 118 of 146 Ländern in the study of technical education, there were differences in the STEM field (1 ). Trotz’s Japanese position as well as one of the great popular companies in the world and around the world trains Japanese girls in mathematics and natural sciences (2) and does not have 16% absolute female STEM in Japan (3). Frau Nakajimas Bemühungen zielen darauf ab, cese Ungleichheit zu beseitigen, indem sie die Barrieren abbaut, the Frauen and Mädchen traditionell davon abgehalten haben, uneine STEM-Bildung et -Karriere zu verfolgen.

With the Power of Radiance Awards, Clé de Peau Beauté is a global association of aufbauen women, which is for positive use. Ms. Nakajima features 2024 Power of Radiance Award winner and Girls Who Code and Moms First honoree Reshma Saujani at a Clé de Peau Beauté conference on International Day of the Girl in New York. Während der Veranstaltung auschten Frau Saujani andere Befürworterinnen der Geschlechtergleichstellung Ideen darüber aus, wie Frauen sich gegenseitig unterstützen können, um the new Generation of Mädchen in STEAM zu starten. The Preisträgerin des Power of Radiance 2025 Award of Ms. Nakajima and the services of the Preisträger for his wife, especially Ms. Saujani, have strengthened these global efforts in their work in Japan.

As she wins the Power of Radiance Awards 2025, Ms. Nakajima receives a scholarship, because she takes care of her work and her mission, her daughters and women to inspire her and for her interest in the STEAM sector to start.

This also signifies your commitment to the Asia Foundation, which is in charge of the “STEM ConnectHER” project. This initiative aims to create a regional network of women in STEM fields in the Asian and non-profit field, das Hochschulstudenten et Fachleuten Mentoring et Unterstützung bietet. Darüber Hinaus engaged Frau Nakajima in the “Suri-Joshi” activity, in a program, organized workshops and online courses organized by a girl and her mother who study the ideas of Freud and mathematics. The Initiative aims to remove stereotypes and integrate young women from the world of mathematics into regions, in which there are well-known prospects in the STEM field.

Ms. Nakajima is also present within the Expo 2025 activity, which is the thematic project produced for the playground of life: the Jellyfish Pavilion. Auf der Grundlage ihres multidisziplinären Fachwissens and ihres festen Glaubens an die Kraft des individuaisn Engagements, um Veränderungen zu bewirken, wird sie un gemeinschaftlichen and integrativen Raum schaffen, in the Menschen durch Lernen, Kunst and vieles more Spaß and Freude am Leben erleben können.

“It’s about one of her women, Clé de Peau Beauté’s Power of Radiance Award, who received the largest beige hat, the next generation of young girls and the ignorance of the device in STEAM broadcasting Sowohl die Ausbildung and the Berufe in the Bereichen sind von Männern dominated, aber the Geschlecht hat keinen Einfluss in Kreativität and Innovation Ich freue mich darauf, mit Clé de Peau Beauté zusammenzuarbeiten, um die Behauptung, the STEAM nichts for. Mädchen and Frauen ist., in general I see that the business concept and all forms of integration in STEAM are not within everyone’s reach, because they are aimed at a strong operating company”, said said Ms. Nakajima.

“Since 2019, the Power of Radiance Awards from a Pfeiler center our philanthropic commitments, with our women, the whole world through a positive image of our lives. “I have been here for a year to help us work with Ms. Nakajima and steAm, Inc.,” said Mizuki Hashimoto, brand director of Clé de Peau Beauté.

Clé de Peau Beauté is both überzeugt, dass jeder Mensch das Potenzial besitzt, seine innere Ausstrahlung zu nutzen, um positive Veränderungen zu bewirken. Ausem Grund hat die Marke eines ihrer bekanntesten Produkte für den ersten Schritt, The Serum, ausgewählt and einen Teil seines Umsatzes für ce Mission zur Verfügung gestellt. Mit den Power of Radiance Awards möchte Clé de Peau Beauté Mädchen and Frauen dazu befähigen, sich self et hren Gemeinschaften a bessere Zukunft zu ermöglichen.

Information about Sachiko Nakajima

Sachiko Nakajima is a musician, mathematician, STEAM educator, and media specialist. This is the company and administration of steAm, Inc. and the general management of the steAm BAND association producing a thematic project during Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai, Japan (Signature Pavilion “Life’s Playground: Jellyfish Pavilion”). You are engaged in Japan and internationally in musical culture, mathematics, STEAM-Bildung and Medienkunst. If it is davon überzeugt, dass jeder Mensch ain creative Potenzial besitzt, unabhängig von Herkunft, Geschlecht oder Alter. You see in the playful design of STEAM the method, the details of the social and personal economy for learning, independent of your particular interests and creativity, of the operating society. estalten. In Japan, Ms. Nakajima zur STEM-Botschafterin für Mädchen für das Kabinettsamt ernannt; sie war außerdem Mitglied verschiedener Ausschüsse du Ministerien für Bildung, Kultur, Sport, Wissenschaft et Technologie (MEXT) et verschiedener Regionalregierungen; and she received the Fulbright Scholarship from the Tisch School of the Arts at New York University. I will be happy to have done it, like the former Japanese, a gold medal at the International Mathematics Olympiad to win. She is außerdem Mutter a young girl of 18 years old.

Information about Clé de Peau Beauté

Clé de Peau Beauté, the global luxury market of Shiseido Co Ltd, was established in 1982 as the ultimate impression of Eleganz and Wissenschaft. Clé de Peau Beauté is the Schlüssel zur Schönheit du Haut. The market philosophy is packaging manufacturing by makeup technology design and high level of finishing within the free global organization. Clé de Peau Beauté is the originator of exquisite aesthetic sensitivity and intelligence and a product with modern, creative and dynamic technologies, a plugging tool for development as promising as possible. Present in 26 Ländern and Regionen weltweit.

Clé de Peau Beauté Official Website:

Clé de Peau Beauté Official Instagram:

(1) Global Gender Gap Report 2024

(2) How Japan is encouraging more women to go into STEM,science%2C%20according%20to% 20the%20OECD

(3) How Japan is encouraging more women to go into STEM

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