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Lilium: Staatshilfe laut Medienbericht vom Tisch

Lilium: Staatshilfe laut Medienbericht vom Tisch

Lilium hat fast 1.5 Billion Euro Verluste angehäuft, fast ohne Einnahmen zu generieren. No matter what the law says, die Insolvenz right. There is $100 million in state support that is not affordable to everyone.

Lilium: Staatshilfe laut Medienbericht vom Tisch

Retail sales of Lilium-Jets are planned for 2026.

Das Schicksal von Lilium entscheidet sich bis spätestens Jahresende. The motor starter motor with electric turbines is ready to be started by the US SEC design office before being placed in a safe for the motor entry model – braucht aber dringend weiteres Geld. The stable financial companies of the Bund and the Land of Bayern are not at the women’s party or the new investors, but the Angaben zufolge drastische Einschnitte im Geschäftsbetrieb, until the resolution of the “geltenden Insolvenzrechts”.

Wörtlich heißt es in den Documenten, the laut Finanzplanung “die Gruppe sofort zusätzliches Kapital benötigt, um your laufenden Geschäfte weiter zu finanzieren”. Lilium is in the safety measures auf weiteren Kapitalbedarf verwiesen, bis die E-Flugtaxis von der Aufsichtsbehörde EASA zugelassen et einsatzbereit sind. Jede Verschiebung im Zeitplan kostet Geld. The first flight planned by Ende took place this month until 2025. The Markteinführung is planned for 2026, because this date will not be more explicit here. The first time, Lilium was incarcerated in a corporate headquarters auf das Insolvenzrecht.

The old Unsicherheit für staatliche Bürgschaft

Lilium earned more than 100 million euros in the State of Bayern, the State of Bayern obtained a loan, half of the time for leisure, when the Bund das Gleiche did so. Wie der Spiegel nun berichtet, wird daraus nichts. There are a lot of Unscheduled items in the Haushaltsausschuss. Federal Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) has an idea of ​​parliamentary immunity.

Zuvor hatte sich FDP-Haushälter Frank Schäffler zudem gegen Hilfen of Bundes für das bayerische Flugtaxi-Unternehmen ausgesprochen. The Bundestagsabgeordnete said of the German press agent: “Help for Lilium arrests me for fakes.” Es gibt keinnbares Bundesinteresse an der Förderung von Flugtaxen.“ Das Risiko für den Bund sei viel zu hoch. “If Bayern have this subsidy, they will do it, but that’s absolutely it. Mit Steuergeldern des Bundes darf nicht spekuliert werden.“

Volcopter experiences insolvency

Germany’s second Flugtaxis contractor, Volocopter, has fallen on the cusp of insolvency. By a spritze Kapitalspritze der bisherigen Gesellschafter, via the Chinese Geely-Gruppe, it turns out to be a business event.

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Finanzieller Druck: Leaders of Lilium and Volocopter fordern staatliche Unterstützung

A volocopter that also belongs to the Staatshilfe was dismissed by the veto of Baden-Württemberg and Bayern, which prevented the Bund from having a green light. Bei Lilium is umgekehrt. Bayern received an investment of 50 million in Australia, which is not the case of the Bund der gleiche Betrag im Haushaltsausschuss bisher.

Liliums Finanz-Dilemma

Lilium’s financial dilemma, mit Sitz vor den Toren Münchens, est sich an wenigen Zahlen. Now that the US bank account is over, it will be over 1.446 billion Euros – which can be used at any time. First of all, the first half of 2024 was delayed by the operational price of 185.9 million euros (anticipated traffic of 128.5 million euros). Thanks to the new positive financial measures, network growth reached 86.9 million euros in the first half of the year. The financial loan (Cash) concerns an amount of 110 million euros.

Once the document has been finalized, it is clear that we are still three times after the document has been issued. Swiss investors have capital of 32 million euros which they earn and die when the State retires.

“Power-On”: the power-on function

Das Unternehmen berichtet über weitere Fortschritte bei der Entwicklung seines E-Flugmodells, because wie ein kleiner Senkrechtstarter-Regionalflieger eingesetzt werden soll. The first three models are all very fervent or the production is Angelaufen. It’s 2025 for the first time and production of several models begins.

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Lilium-CEO in an interview: Sein Zeitplan für den Flugtaxi-Launch

With Lilium’s large expansion service, the “Power-On”-Meilenstein became the first model in the final construction that arrived. For technicians, this is the company that takes care of the organization of installation and electronics with the installation function. We have electric vehicles based on the Stromnetz on a 900-Volt-Architektur, wemit the Batteries relativ schnell geladen werden können.

This article will be adapted to the world and it will be updated on October 11, 2024. Mit Material von dpa.