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European Commission puts pressure on Euronews online manager Temu

European Commission puts pressure on Euronews online manager Temu

The Chinese online marketplace has been released to the public, more information on the masses has been offered, these are the EU rules for online platforms whose handles are directed to the illegal platform of product sales. Das teilte die Europäische Kommission heute mit.

Service providers also undertake to consult accurate data and information on the risks related to the illegal sale of products, such as risks related to speech protection, environmental protection and unsafe food products. Erklärung.

Temu, 2022 for the Chinese show Pinduoduo (NASDAQ:) also provides information on the operating system and life safety risks related to the nut data to be used.

I may be creating the Temu Commission under Digital Distribution Services (DSA) as well as the “big online platform” created, which received $45 million in price reduction in the writings of the EU.

You have until the end of September to strengthen the DSA recommendations. Dazu gehören un Minimierung systemischer Risiken, die von seinen Diensten ausgehen et die Verhinderung des Verkaufs gefälschter Waren.

Throws the Chinese online market on the online market place until October 21, the Fragen der Kommission zu beantworten.

This is one of these two new responses from Fragen: in June, the commission of inquiry was informed by the platform of a different name, one of the DSA programs was set up with the mechanism of fusion and action. We also offer you a merger of illegal products, Minderjährigen protection and “Dark Patterns” on your online sales sites.

Social protection

A Monat ensured that the European Verbraucherverband (BEUC) in the Rahmen der DSA bei den nationalen Regulierungsbehörden et der Kommission Beschwerden gegen Temu eingereicht, because the Verbraucher is not managed and manipulative practitioners take care of it.

Die Unterzeichner, Die Etwa 17 Eu-Mitgliedstaaten Vertreten, Behaupten, Dass Temu Gegen Die Eu-Verordnung über online-Plattformen versatößt, Weil es den Verbrauchern Wichtige Informationen über Die Verkäufer Vorenthält, Sodass Es Unmöglich Ist Zu überpr you have – Sicherheitsanforderungen entsprechen.

DSA is now February for all online platforms. The EU executive offers further services in the prevention of existing risks, under the other leadership of Meta (NASDAQ:), AliExpress and TikTok.