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Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Advanced Cluster Management): Warning for new IT security

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Advanced Cluster Management): Warning for new IT security

The BSI is an active IT security warning for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Advanced Cluster Management). This is where further words of Schwachstellen festgestellt can be found. More information about management systems and products associated with CVE numbers can be found here on

The Bundesamt for Security On 10.10.2024, Informationtechnik (BSI) announced a security warning for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Advanced Cluster Management). The Bericht is auf mehrere Schwachstellen, die einen Angriff ermöglichen. Security Services is the Linux system that offers Fedora Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux products.

New Security Solutions provides updates, workarounds, and security patches for these security solutions which you can find here: Fedora Safety Notice FEDORA-2024-B0FC600C3C (Booth: 11.10.2024). We offer you many more detailed links in this article aufgeführt.

More information about Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Advanced Cluster Management) – Risk: High

Risk level: 3 (high)
CVSS Base Score: 8.2
CVSS Temporal Score: 7.1
Ranged Claw: Ja

Zur Bewertung des Schweregrads von Schwachstellen in Computersystems wird the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) angewandt. CVSS has the potential to provide more effective security services based on prioritization metrics to achieve better priorities for users. For the Schweregrade, a Schwachstelle werden die Attribute “keine”, “niedrig”, “mittel”, “hoch” and “kritisch” used. The base score corresponds to preferences for a type of writing (authentication, complexity, privileges, user interaction) as well as sequences of sequences. Beim Temporal Score flies on the Zeit veränderbare Rahmenbedingungen in die Bewertung ein. Current technology implementation is done with CVSS with a base score of 8.2 as “high” achieved.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Advanced Cluster Management) Bug: Fix Current Issues

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is a popular Linux distribution.

An anonymous user can achieve further results in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, a security tool for a lay user or attacker.

The Verwundbarkeit is with individual CVE-Seriennummern (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) CVE-2024-42459, CVE-2024-42460, CVE-2024-42461 and CVE-2024-48949 gehandelt.

Access to security is through the system on display

Matching system

Fedora Linux (cpe:/o:fedoraproject:fedora)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (cpe://o:redhat:enterprise_linux)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (cpe://o:redhat:enterprise_linux)
Advanced cluster management Red Hat Enterprise Linux Advanced cluster management Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.11.3 (cpe://o:redhat:enterprise_linux)

Allgemeine Empfehlungen zumgang mit IT-Schwachstellen

  1. The response from the intermediate system must be applied to the active medium. Vendors are security solutions that can be used to resolve a patch or workaround. Sollten Sicherheitspatches verfügbar sein, installieren Sie ce zeitnah.
  2. Consult the available information as soon as possible aufgeführten Quellen. We offer you this extensive information about the current version of the optimized software, as well as checking for security patches or instructions on workarounds.
  3. Wenden Sie sich bei weiteren Fragen ou Unsicherheiten an Ihren zuständigen Administrator. IT-Safety conditions are subject to regulation, they must be taken into account Computer security warning betroffene Hersteller and new Sicherheitsupdate zur Verfügung stellt.

Information about updates, fixes, and workarounds

This step allows you to find many links with information about bug reports, security fixes, and workarounds.

Fedora security notice FEDORA-2024-B0FC600C3C dated 2024-10-11 (10.10.2024)
You will find more information at:

Fedora Security Notice FEDORA-2024-6955BCC801 dated 2024-10-11 (10.10.2024)
You will find more information at:

Red Hat Security Advisory dated 2024-10-10 (10.10.2024)
You will find more information at:

Version history of this security warning

This is the first IT security offering for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (Advanced Cluster Management). Bei Kanntgabe von Updates wird this updated text. You may find articles or changes in this story in later releases.

10.10.2024 – Initial Fassung

+++ Editorial notes: This text has been written based on BSI data generated and will be updated according to warning dates. Nehmen comments and comments will be sent to [email protected]. +++

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