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Windows 11 24H2: Major dates in the update cache are not accessible

Windows 11 24H2: Major dates in the update cache are not accessible

Microsoft has generated a problem with Windows 11 24H2 in the American environment. After installation – just as an update, and also as a quick installation – you can yourself talk about a more complete system configuration and with a GB reading in temporary order. Sie lassen sich nicht löschen.


Windows function for temporary dates

Windows function for temporary dates

When updating Windows 11 24H2, the organization and temporary caches are maintained. Sie lassen sich mit Bordmitteln jedoch entrümpeln.

(Image: Screenshot / dmk)

In the Einstellungen, find it under “System” der Punkt “Speicher”. Dort kann man unter “Temporäre Dateien” at the davon belegten Platz einsehen. After updating Windows 11 24H2 and installing current early updates from Patchday, you are on the right place in the system. Mit der angebotenen Aufräumfunktion lassen sich entrümpeln.

More information on available GBytes

More information on available GBytes

After entering you will be able to get more GB in Windows update command.

(Image: Screenshot / dmk)

The problems may appear in Windows 11 24H2 when entering the system tools, as well as up to GByte memory place in temporary memory for Windows update. If this is not the case with the date control or manual operation, the system will be free.

With Windows 11 24H2, Microsoft launches Checkpoint updates, the size and speed are reduced. Dafür brauchen sie jedoch as Basis offenbar einen neueren Softwarestand as the ursprünglich installierte Variante de la Windows-Systemdateien, was wohl zusätzlichen Platz kostet.

The latest version of Windows is a Microsoft solution for the problem and the best solution for possible updates. If you do not know what to do with it, you will be able to see it.

Fixed issues in the Feedback-Hub

Fixed issues in the Feedback-Hub

I follow Feedback-Hub where the problem is more serious.

(Image: Screenshot / dmk)

This problem comes from Microsoft and is present in the Windows-Feedback-Hub. Die nach Systembereinigung übrig bleibenden Dateien sollten Nutzerinnen et Nutzer jedoch tunlichst entfernen, etwa nach Booten von einem anderen Medium. Without these dates you will find further updates and the system will not work – a fresh installation has been performed.
