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The 7 best Hufflepuffs in Power-Ranking news

The 7 best Hufflepuffs in Power-Ranking news

Hufflepuff house is often underrated, with only one of the best Zauberer and Hexen stammen in this house. In our ranking, there are the 7 best Hufflepuffs, all of whom are released.

What is Hufflepuff? Hufflepuff is still strong in loyalty, sensitivity, fairness, fairness, wisdom and stern teamwork.

Hexen and Zauberer in Hufflepuff are often found in the background of the bleiben, before realizing the aufrichtigsten and zuverlässigsten zu gehören. Your company is not quite at the level of magical lifestyles, they are looking for their loyalty and unique ways for their men’s men.

Hufflepuff is home, in the true Freundschaft a central game of Rolle – the Grundlage vieler großer Hexen et Zauberer, as we see it now.


  • House colors: Gelb and Schwarz
  • Floor: Dachshunds
  • Hausgeist: La Fette Mönch
  • Common area: In a Gewölbekeller, in the Nähe der Küche von Hogwarts

Der Sprechende Hut describes Hufflepuff in his lie thus:

In the Hufflepuff dagegen

ist man gerecht und treu.

Man holds them in hand, man can do it.

and hats off to Arbeit keine Scheu.

Der Sprechende Hut (by Harry Potter and der Stein der Weisen, chapter 7)

Where is the ranking? The ranking is based on the personal installation of MeinMMO author Fabienne Kissel, who is a huge Harry Potter fan and an excellent Hufflepuff. Every year the movie is made and the bald plant is in the book.

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Place 7: Cédric Diggory

Harry Potter - Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory is one of the most successful and talented Schüler, the Hufflepuff who wears his hat. Er war also Sucher and Quidditch-Capitän von Hufflepuff bekannt, wo er sein Talent fürs Fliegen unter Beweis stellte. Außerdem war est un hervorragender Schüler in Zauberkunst und Verwandlung et wurde von Lehrern et Mitschülern gleichermaßen geschätzt.

As Hogwarts Champion in Trimagischen Turnier, Cedric does not recognize Mut and Fairness. Himself as Harry Potter did not become the second ausgewählt wurde champion, as Cedric played and performed Harry, which led Schüler to enter his store. This loyalty and support company aims for real insight.

Tragischerweise wurde Cedric während des Turniers von Wurmschwanz (Peter Pettigrew) ermordet. Cédric is not so successful, he is twice the Potenzial gehabt, one of the greatest Zauberer of the generation zu werden.

Place 6: Pomona Sprout

Harry Potter Pomona Sprout

Professor Pomona Sprout is the Hogwarts art teacher and head of Hufflepuff House. This is a great Leidenschaft for magical plans and brings a life of Wissen auf dieem Gebiet mit. Pomona is a warm and good-natured woman, who loves her Schüler and her Pflanzen kümmert. Dies macht sie zu einer beliebten Professorin.

This is an angenommen, dass die Teufelsschlinge, die den Stein der Weisen bewachte, von ihr gezüchtet wurde. Zudem sie sie, die versteinerten Opfer des Basilisken mithilfe von Alraunen zu heilen. Während der Schlacht von Hogwarts setzte sie ihre Pflanzen ein, um the Schloss zu vertidigen.

Place 5: Nymphadora Tonks

Harry Potter Tonks

Nymphadora Tonks, I died without love Tonks Genannt wird, ist eine Aurorin and a Metamorphmagus, was ihr erlaubt, ihr Aussehen nach Belieben zu verändern. If this is the case, it is part of the Order of the Phönix and is one of the Freund and Kollegen sehr geschätzt.

Aurorin’s study under Mad-Eye Moody was designed for you and your friends. The protection of Tonks and her art herzliche machen sie zu einer beliebten Figur.

If you have the situation in the worst situation, you will have to worry about it or you will not be able to do so. Trotz der Gefahr et des Wissens, which is a kind of house and which is so dear to Hogwarts and its friends, was his war. Seite an Seite mit ihrem Ehemann Remus Lupine starb sie im Kampf. You are looking for the most famous Hexens in the world of Harry Potter.