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Dime-sized hail expected with thunderstorms across part of Pennsylvania on Sunday

Dime-sized hail expected with thunderstorms across part of Pennsylvania on Sunday

A report was issued by the National Weather Service at 7:38 a.m. Sunday for strong thunderstorms until 8:15 a.m. for Mercer, Venango, Lawrence and Butler counties.

The storms could bring dime-sized hail (0.75 inches) and wind gusts of up to 40 mph.

“At 7:38 a.m., Doppler radar detected a strong thunderstorm near New Wilmington, or near New Castle, moving eastward at 50 mph,” the weather service said. “Gusts of wind could down tree branches and blow around unsecured objects. Minor damage to vegetation from hail is possible.”

Locations affected by the alert include New Castle, Grove City, Shanor-Northvue, Slippery Rock, New Wilmington, Oakwood, New Castle Northwest, Pulaski, New Bedford, Harrisville, Plain Grove Township, South New Castle, West Liberty, Eau Claire , Harlansburg. , Barkeyville, West Sunbury, Volant, Cherry Valley and Hooker. This includes the following highways: Interstate 79 in Pennsylvania between mileposts 100 and 116. Interstate 80 in Pennsylvania between mileposts 35 and 36 and between mileposts 38 and 41. Interstate 376 in Pennsylvania between mileposts 2 and 15.

According to the weather service, “if you are outdoors, consider sheltering inside a building.”

Staying Safe When Lightning Approaches: Expert Tips

Each year, lightning strikes the United States approximately 25 million times, with the majority of these electrifying events occurring during the summer months. Unfortunately, lightning is responsible for the deaths of approximately 20 people each year, as reported by the weather service. The threat of lightning becomes more pronounced as storms get closer, peaking when the storm is directly overhead and gradually diminishing as it moves further away.

To ensure your safety during a thunderstorm, consider the following recommendations:

Lightning safety plan:

  • When venturing outside, it’s essential to have a clear plan for shelter in the event of lightning.
  • Stay vigilant by monitoring the sky for ominous signs and listening for the telltale sound of thunder. If thunder is audible, it is a clear indication that lightning is nearby.
  • Find a safe place to shelter, preferably indoors.

Indoor safety measures:

  • Once you find shelter indoors, avoid using corded telephones, electrical appliances, or plumbing fixtures, and stay away from windows and doors.
  • These precautions help reduce the risk of electrical surges because lightning can follow conductive paths.

Wait for the green light:

  • After the last flash of lightning or thunder, wait at least 30 minutes before resuming your outdoor activities.
  • Lightning can strike even when a storm appears to have passed, so be careful.

When indoor shelter is not available:

If you find yourself outside without access to indoor shelter during a thunderstorm, follow these steps to maximize your safety:

  • Avoid open fields, hilltops or ridge crests, which put you at greater risk of lightning.
  • Avoid large, isolated trees and other prominent objects. In forested areas, stay near lower stands of trees.
  • If you are in a group, make sure individuals are spaced apart to prevent lightning current from being transmitted between people.
  • It is strongly recommended not to camp in an open environment during a storm. If you have no alternative, set up camp in a valley, ravine, or other low-lying areas. It is important to note that a tent does not provide any protection against lightning.
  • Do not approach bodies of water, wet objects or metal objects. Although water and metal do not attract lightning, they conduct electricity efficiently and can pose significant risks.

In summary, when faced with the threat of lightning, preparation and vigilance are your best allies. By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of lightning-related incidents and prioritize your safety.

Driving in showers: safety instructions on wet roads

When heavy rain falls, the risk of flooding and dangerous roads increases. Here’s your weather service guide to staying safe during downpours:

Beware of swollen waterways:

During heavy rain, avoid parking or walking near culverts or drainage ditches, where fast-moving water can pose a serious hazard.

Maintain safe driving distances:

Respect the two-second rule to maintain a safe distance behind the vehicle in front of you. In heavy rain, allow an extra two seconds of distance to compensate for reduced traction and reduced braking effectiveness.

Reduce speed and drive carefully:

If it’s raining and the roads are wet, slow down. Take your foot off the accelerator and let your speed gradually decrease. Never use the brakes abruptly as this could cause the car to skid.

Choose your path wisely:

Stick to the middle lanes on multi-lane roads to minimize the risk of hydroplaning, as water tends to collect in the outside lanes.

Visibility matters:

Improve your visibility in heavy rain by turning on your headlights. Be wary of vehicles in blind spots, as rain-stained windows can obscure them.

Be careful of slippery roads:

Be very careful during the first half hour after the rain starts. Dirt and oil on the road surface mix with water to make the road slippery.

Keep a safe distance from large vehicles:

Do not follow large trucks or buses too closely. The projections created by their large tires reduce your vision. Also be careful when passing them; if you must pass, do so quickly and safely.

Pay attention to your windshield wipers:

Overloaded wiper blades can impede visibility. If rain seriously impairs your vision, stop and wait for conditions to improve. Seek shelter in rest areas or sheltered places.

If the side of the road is your only option, move as far away as possible, preferably beyond the end of a guardrail, and wait for the storm to pass. Keep your headlights on and turn on the hazard lights to alert other drivers of your location.

When facing heavy rain, these precautions can make a significant difference in keeping you safe on the road. Remember to stay informed of weather conditions and follow advice from local authorities for safe travel.

Advance Local Weather Alerts is a service provided by United Robots, which uses machine learning to compile the latest data from the National Weather Service.