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Does Yazoo County need a zoning department?

Does Yazoo County need a zoning department?

Is it time for county leaders to consider protecting the future of our rural neighborhoods?

This seems like an issue worth considering, given the possibility that some businesses that residential areas might not accommodate want to take advantage of Yazoo County being one of the only counties in the state without zoning regulations.

Particularly in the Benton and Vaughan area, some residents have expressed concerns to District 2 Supervisor David Berry about the possibility of nightclubs, bars and convenience stores opening near residential areas, school zones and/or religious properties. But when it comes to regulating these types of businesses, the county is very limited because Yazoo County does not have a planning and zoning department like most counties in Mississippi.

Most counties in the state have local zoning laws, land regulations, and code enforcement divisions. These regulations divide land into designated areas, specify what types of structures can be built in those areas, and may develop a process by which local governments grant permission for new developments.

There are only a handful of counties within the state that do not have such departments. Yazoo County is one of those counties.

The idea of ​​establishing such a department has been circulating in Yazoo County for years. But over the years, this has remained little more than rhetoric, with many, if not all, elected officials holding to what they believe to be the opinion of the majority of the local population: the Yazooans simply don’t want it. not.

But given the concerns of some citizens who don’t want a nightclub or cannabis industry business setting up shop next to their own property lines, could that opinion change?

Certainly, most citizens do not like being told what they can and cannot do, especially when it comes to their own property. But given the “every man for himself” attitude toward some businesses and other commercial establishments, should the county consider some sort of regulation moving forward?

Next to Madison County, there is an established department that has such rules and regulations. In fact, some nightclub goers are considering Yazoo County as their future place of business because there are stricter regulations next door in Madison County.

And Madison County, like other counties, has tightened its regulations.

Could a development process in Yazoo County work? Could some proposed developments receive additional review before approval? These are questions worth thinking about. But too restrictive zoning could also be a problem. Can there be a balance?

This is a conversation that needs to happen among our county leaders. Our supervisors need to investigate what other counties are doing, what is working, and what could be improved. Some might welcome the order that accompanies such an undertaking. Others will scorn the possibility of a process involving government.

But we need to think about what is best for all residents of Yazoo County.