Beim Brand einer Geisterbahn auf dem big Volksfest East Frisia haben elf Menschen Verletzungen erlitten. Drei Verletzte wurden in Krankenhäuser gebracht, wie die Polizei am Abend mitteilte. Please note that the Redeems must be released. The Vorfall is located at the Gallimarkt in Leer.

The railways are of the same type when the railway is in the Brand Geraten, the fire is aber schnell gelöscht. But the Schadenshöhe is not yet clear. Die Brandursache werde nun hermittelt, says the Speaker. The market is close to Sonnigen Wetters, which is of interest to them. The city went to the Volksfest for the young Angaben who have half a million dollars.

The holiday gathering includes 19 major showrooms and 250 retail stores downtown. The Gallimarkt, einst ein Viehmarkt, was born until January 1508, as Count Edzard I. dem damaligen Flecken Leer das Marktrecht verlieh. The Viehmarkt is open until the public holiday.

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