
Australia’s opposition will abandon emissions target if elected to power

Australia’s main opposition Liberal Party will not pretend the current greenhouse gas reduction target is achievable and will not meet the government’s current 2030 emissions target if elected, a senior Liberal Party official has said.

“Australia needs a sound energy policy that delivers cheaper, cleaner and consistent electricity 24/7, and that’s what the Coalition will deliver,” Ted O’Brien, shadow minister for climate change and energy, said this week liberal-national coalition.

“We will not pretend that Labour’s 2030 target is achievable,” O’Brien added.

The ruling Labor government in Australia has set a target of 82% renewable energy generation by 2030 and a 43% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by then.

According to the Liberals’ O’Brien, Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions reductions have remained flat in recent years and remain 29% below 2005 levels, “even though Labor has increased Australia’s emissions reduction target to 43% by 2030.” “.

The main goal of Labor’s plans is to ensure an 82% share of renewable energy sources in energy production by 2030, but this requires the annual installation of an additional 4.5 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar energy on an industrial scale.

O’Brien noted that less than a third of that amount was delivered last year.

“Undeterred, Labor is forcing a shutdown of 90 per cent of our 24/7 baseload power within a decade – shutting down one system before another is ready,” he said.

“Australians currently pay some of the highest electricity bills in the world, and the market operator is warning of power outages as early as summer, affecting hospitals, schools, businesses and homes.”

Last week, industry body the Clean Energy Council said investment in renewable energy projects must increase every year for Australia to meet the government’s 2030 clean energy target.

Investment levels in generation projects will need to increase further, with financial commitments of at least 6-7 GW of new large-scale generation projects needed this year and each year thereafter to meet the 82% renewable energy target by 2030, the Council said. Clean Energy stated.

Author: Tsvetana Paraskova for

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