
Apple Intelligence is leaving hundreds of millions of iPhone owners out in the cold – here’s why

At the end of Apple’s keynote at WWDC 2004, as Apple was wrapping up its segment on the new Apple Intelligence features, Senior Vice President of Software Engineering Craig Federighi stood in front of a graphic that read, “Artificial Intelligence for the Rest of Us.” While it was a nice reference to Mac’s original slogan – “a computer for the rest of us”, in case you forgot – perhaps it would be more accurate to say “Artificial intelligence for the rest of us… although probably not you.”

This is a reflection of Apple Intelligence’s system requirements, which are somewhat restrictive, especially for the iPhone. While iOS 18 will run on devices released in 2019 and later, Apple Intelligence features on iPhone are compatible with Apple phones dating back… again, nine months. And even then, not every iPhone released last fall can join the party.