
Chief rapist received nine years in prison

Chief rapist received nine years in prison

After being found guilty at the High Court in Edinburgh earlier this year, the court heard he was also jailed in 2001 for stalking young women in Edinburgh, sexually assaulting one and raping another.

The judge at the previous trial, Lord Dawson, told him: “It is abundantly clear to me that you pose a serious danger to women.”

Since that conviction, he has been convicted three times and jailed twice for breaching a sexual offenses prevention order.

Judge Alison Stirling, who presided over his latest trial, told him: “Detention is the only appropriate solution given the seriousness of your offending.”

She also ordered that he be subject to community supervision for a further five years following his nine-year prison sentence.

Walker was placed on the sex offenders register indefinitely following his sentencing and the judge issued a non-harassment order prohibiting him from approaching or contacting the rape victim.