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Open Source in publishing: do you need support?

The administration’s digitalization strategy is the same as that of Federal Ministry Nancy Faeser (SPD) to organize the Smart Country Convention of the Bitkom industry associations within the Berliner Messegelände. Die Frage sei nicht, ob, sondern wie digitalisiert würde: Das Ziel sei die Vereinfachung, concrete Faeser. As of December 90, the federal bill is now digitalized, the BundID is now available to more than 4 million people.


The work on the European digital identity wallet and business management on IPv6 until 2030 was drawn up by the Home Office. Security was at that time a priority, generated by crime, within digital technology. Did not Faeser say: Zwar ist ihr Ministerium Schirmherr der Veranstaltung – einen eigenen Stand leistete sich das Haus aber nicht more. A definition of priority at federal level until 2025, by the Federal Ministry (BMI) and the digitalization of the Rotstift.

Perhaps this has been the case, even if your software license is not available, for the more expensive Open Source alternatives out there? This discussion ignites in Sparzeiten immer wieder auf. And with the launch of OpenDesk, this is probably a very simple theoretical alternative for potential users. Doch das reicht nicht aus.

The volumes of the öffentlichen Hand must be taken from the next ones, forged by Uwe Presler of the IT-Dienstleister Bechtle. Services provided by software within the scope of their current research, parallel measures are not taken into account: security, control, security, data protection down to the page, as provided for in the pension amount in the compensation expenses. There are often Open-Source discoveries that are not known.

Gerade in new Bereichen wie bei Low-Code-Anwendungen for the Verwaltung würden alte Fehler aktuell wiederholt, berichtete Tim Neugebauer from Leipziger IT-Dienstleister DMK E-Business: Mit proprietären Lösungen and Plattformen würden sich staatliche Stellen erneut an Lock-In-Anbieter binden . Also “Einer für Alle”-Anwendungen auf dem Marktplatz für Onlinezugangsgesetz-Lösungen seien unterschiedlich.

So, it is the best project of Center for Digital Sovereignty (ZenDiS) to create and gain in-depth knowledge about OpenCode platform. It is therefore true that Leonhard Kugler, responsible for the analysis of the definitions of Open Source, looked into the definitions of Open Source within the framework of the Amtsdeutsch and for the broader definition options. For more than 500 user licenses, ZenDiS must ensure compensation of rights – damit die Verwaltung weiß, worauf sich einlässt.

Ob mit Open-Source-Software a in Sicherheitsgewinn einhergeht, darüber waren sich die Diskutanten nicht ganz einig. Uwe Presler listens to society within his large company which has created Open Source software solutions to create an effective service offering. The trend is towards managed services and security operations center as well as integrated customer service. Werde damit nicht nur eine Abhängigkeit gegen eine neue eingetauscht? This is the code review method and analysis tools argued by Presler.

ZenDiS will not fall down to the environment, the biggest software providers and the quality of the company, as Kugler says. Die Entwicklung müsse weiter bei Entwicklercommunities et Unternehmen liegen. The Verwaltung does not have the possibility to do this, my Bechtle-Vertreter Presler has not yet done this with his personal employees.

For Open-Source or Closed-Source solutions, you can find a political solution. Er wünsche sich klare Entscheidungen, therefore Presler. Neugebauer concrete, dass bislang viel von den Einkaufsbedingungen abhänge, etwa von den “Ergänzenden Vertragsbedingungen für die Beschaffung von IT-Leistungen” – et von der Frage der operativen Umsetzung. Political Absichtserklärungen seien viel schneller geschrieben als Software. Am Ende, so Kugler, sei bislang vor german der Funktionsumfang kaufentscheidend – nicht, ob the Product sinnvoll in die Gesamtarchitektur der öffentlichen Verwaltung pass. All these debates took place at the same international time – and here sei Deutschland der Debatte in other Ländern ausnahmsweise einmal voraus.
