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Solarpower Europe has established clear European standards for solar parks and biodiversity – pv magazine Deutschland

Biodiversity and solar parks were launched by Solarpower Europe and The Nature Conservancy, the EU’s new nature project. This is a European political plan, which was defined as a natural solar park.

The American conservation organization The Nature Conservancy has been designated a natural solar park by the European Solar Energy Union. The standards must be applied with the best European policy. Through a monitoring and surveillance system, it is also possible to study the creation of biodiversity.

“One man can make practices in the EU states, standardize and standardize them, so that natural solar parks are environmentally friendly and efficient,” said Lina Dubina, policy advisor for sustainable development at Solarpower Europe.

The association of branches allows us to ensure that more and more EU USA are in charge of the biodiversity management system and solar parks. Davon stünden allerdings nur wenige auf einer wissenschaftlich gesicherten Basis. Damit bestehe die Gefahr, as the Mittel nicht in the richtigen Projects flies. Zudem führe dies because of the risks associated with projects and other investments.

The European standards have a positive impetus for the creation of more solar parks with a natural, green design and the implementation of local Gemeinschaften, sind Solarpower Europe and The Nature Conservancy überzeugt.

The first partner was involved in an environmental development strategy, such as the local ecosystem of natural solar parks and environmental art at the forefront – and therefore a bill for law enforcement European Union on nature restoration. The dates will be from 2030 to 20 September 2020.

Tierschützer kritisieren Einzäunung von Solarparks

The Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung wants to help solar parks at old levels solve a problem. “The agricultural regions of Grünland and Brachen or even Moore have even more solar panels at their disposal, they can have a life for old wild arts – for example, when the area of ​​​​photovoltaic installations free of the Austrian population ventures into the arts like the Rothirschs. “, says Andreas Kinser, Leiter Natur- und Artenschutz der Deutschen Wildtier Stiftung. L’Ausbau sollte daher zunächst nur auf bereits versiegelten Flächen wie auf Parkplätzen et bereits vorhandenen Dachflächen statttfinden.

Auf der anderen Seite könnten Photovoltaik-Freiflächenanlagen intensiv genenutzten Agrarlandschaften durchhaus a positive effect on the Insekten- und Vogelwelt haben, therefore the Stiftung. When protective measures are applied during an intervention, it is possible to bring them to the protection of langfristig art with protective measures.

The Verband fordert deshalb, dass Photovoltaik-Freiflächenanlagen die Aus- und Verbreitung von Wildtieren nicht verhindern dürfen. If it is on the plane, it will leave the barrier darts. Zum Beispiel sollten sie devorzugt entlang bestehender Barrieren, etwa neben Autobahnen, erichtet werden. The measures are taken into account, which is why the Deutsche Wildtier Stiftung.

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Hans-Josef Fell