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Citi seeks risk solutions within Blackstone-Aktie aufgrund verbesserter Fundraising-Aussichten von

Am Freitag actualisierte Citi seine Finanzprognose für The Blackstone Group (NYSE:NYSE:) and the price value of US$157.00 to US$170.00 results in a neutral approach to the stock. The revision was carried out by Blackstones Leistung im written Quartal, by the Aktie des Unternehmens à la Veröffentlichung der Ergebnisse um 6,3% stieg.

Die gebührenbasierten Erträge (FEE-Related Earnings, FRE) des Unternehmens übertrafen Citis Schätzungen, hauptsächlich aufgrund von leistungsabhängigen Gebühren (Fee-Related Performance Fees, FRPF) et un alternator quotation. Blackstone’s Das Management is sure to have a clear idea of ​​the positioning of investment portfolios until 2025 within a well-defined monetary field. The analyst is present at the festival, which presents trends in fundraising and investment activities for a positive overview.

For the entire quarter, the FRE worked hard for the crystallization of Blackstone Infrastructure Partners (BIP) and an investment of 40 million US dollars in the Fund, which began, for fun. Die FRE-Marge könnte jedoch aufgrund von Vergleichen der leistungsabhängigen Gebühreneinnahmen (Fee-Related Performance Revenue, FRPR) and seasons betrieblichen Kostenbelastungen leicht zurückgehen.

Citi has a Blackstone Earnings Program (EPS) for the years 2025 and 2026 at a price of 6.08 US dollars. 7.10 US-Dollar angepasst, von zuvor 6.03 US-Dollar bzw. 6.87 US dollars. These revisions are based on an updated fundraising web page. The new dollar rate of 170 US dollars will apply to the Kurs-Gewinn-Verhältnis (KGV) from 28 to 2024 and from 24 to 2025.

Während Citi das longfristige Potenzial von Blackstone anerkennt, insbesondere in Bezug auf Vehikel mit dauerhaftem Kapital (Permanent Capital Vehicles, PWC), Versicherungen et aufgrund der Gesamtgröße des Unternehmennt, spiegelt die Neutre Bewertung eine ausgewogene Sicht auf die Risiken und Chancen der Aktie au f hrem current Broader level.

In other cases, Blackstone merged for the 2024 quarter results with a GAAP net gain of US$1.6 billion and a high hit rate of US$1.3 million. The assets under management (AUM) of assets reached 1.1 billion US dollars, a 10% guarantee was invested during the month, and 123 billion US dollars have been invested so far, so that They have been invested for more than 123 billion dollars. Vorjahreszeitraum. Blackstone also gained significant muscle in the acquisition, taking in AirTrunk’s vault for US$16 billion, enabling the firms to take on the world’s largest center investigations. research.

These investments are a young man who invested in Blackstones private credit in the amount of 432 billion US dollars, with a sum of more than 100 million US dollars in one month. The private-wealth channel of the Unternehmen has ammelte im bisherigen Jahresverlauf 21 Billion US-Dollar un, quickly to double, as old as the Vorjahr. Trotz steigender Betriebskosten and möglicher Verzögerungen bei Investitionsentscheidungen aufgrund der bevorstehenden Wahl rechnet Blackstone mit anhaltendem Wachstum et positiveer Dynamik in allen Geschäftsbereichen.

In an analysis of how Blackstone’s robust investment performance was analyzed, Corporate-Private-Equity funds were written at 6.2% and 15% for one month. The funds exchange channel amounts to 221 billion US dollars, a guarantee of 24% in the year, and generates annual transactions with a register volume of 38 billion US dollars and A-bewerteten credits . For Blackstone, the company provided significant assurance of fee-related earnings in the first quarter of 2024 and a prognosis of an acquisition in the ongoing real estate business in a merger and acquisition activity. IPO during the year 2025.

InvestingPro Erkenntnisse

Aktuelle InvestingPro-Daten boosts positive Citis publication for Blackstone Group (NYSE: BX) externally. The private equity of the companies was sold at 206.63 billion US dollars, representing an advantageous position in the broader public administration branch. Blackstones recorded an average of 35.11% in the final months of 2017 and a robust average of 54.13% underpins the highest performance of entrepreneurs and an optimistic growth plan for Citis.

InvestingPro-Tipps said that the Blackstones network won on the day, and was the best in the Citis EPS review for 2025 and 2026. Darüber hinaus hat das Unternehmen 18 Jahre in Folge Dividenden gezahlt, has been demonstrated by financial stability and commitment to stock returns.

An error occurred while retrieving the translation. An error occurred while retrieving the translation. An error occurred while retrieving the translation. This Bewertungskennzahl deutet darauf hin, dass die Aktie für hohe Wachstumserwartungen eingepreist sein könnte, was Citis neutrale Haltung trotz des erhöhten Kursziels erklären könnte.

For a comprehensive analysis of this type, you will find at InvestingPro 15 tips on Blackstone, an overview of the financial economy and the trading position of investors.

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