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Mannheim: No more checks on illegal cars – Controls with three fahrenden Autos

Three young men had in Mannheim a verbotene geliefert car, and other men were seen and a car on the page is gekippt ist. The next 20 days were no safer on Federal Street 36 and ended up with three spare parts for police vehicles zusammengestoßen, teilte die Polizei mit.

Die 20-Jährigen sowie ein 28-Jähriger waren am Samstag laut Polizeiangaben bereits im Fahrlachtunnel (Mannheim) mit “deutlich überhöhter Geschwindigkeit” unterwegs. Kurz nach dem Tunnel sei zur Collision mit de three Autos gekommen. A transport vehicle is to the right of the page and is 30 meters above the street.

The accidental warnings must be taken into account when the other vehicles do not comply with the law. Die anderen am Rennen beteiligten Autos waren demnach nicht in den Unfall verwickelt. The police pay the debt for 55,000 euros.

The police take care of the conduct of the army and a verboten motorist and exercise the responsibility of the Führerscheine of the Fahrer.