The association of the Renault group and Mobilize brings the Maison de la Mobilité a new global era on the market. The automotive batteries were used with the V2G product Mobilize Power in France for the first time in a commercial product and skalierbaren for Endkund: intelligent in the integrated current. Dies markiert den Beginn a new Ära, in der E-Fahrzeuge nicht nur Energie verbrauchen, sondern auch et das Netz zurückgeben and so zu Speicherkraftwerken werden. Britain will take place in January 2025, with Germany having an in-depth analysis of the implementation of V2G technology, evaluated and developed.

Kostenloses Laden ohne Emissionen

Vehicle-to-Grid-Technology was created in the pilot projects that made Mobilize possible and The Mobility House became a market product. The new V2G product is the first to have a large business volume: it also includes vehicles from the Renault 5, the Alpine A290 and the AC PowerBox charging station to the Energievertrag Mobilize Power engine. Jetzt wird V2G thanks to The Mobility House and Mobilize for old end-of-life projects, with big advantages for interior and corporate projects.

The Mobility House is based on Vision Zero Zero – and without emissions and without Fahrenheit for everyone. Gründer and CEO Thomas Raffeiner say: In our final year of 2009, we had a new message as well as a detailed description of these items. During the launch in France, we had a basic appendage which turned out to be the most recent technology, V2G erfolgreich umzusetzen. These items, also in Germany, are subject to current regulations and free electrical emissions.

Germanys Weg zur Umsetzung

For the use of free charges, in Germany there are even Schaffen options: the Länder like France or Great Britain are already there, without a double network freeze to use it, and there is a regional work process for the implementation of smart meters. The House of Mobility is present in the Startlöchern and works within the framework of the Anpassungs Regulatorische Notwendige, a set of these Anforderungen in Germany, at present.

Technologischer Vorreiter mit longjähriger Erfahrung

With the advanced design of V2G vehicle loading and entry flexibility aggregation and marketing, The Mobility House has no solutions for installations, energy system research: flexible installation of batteries integrates renewable energy into the current and reduces Netzausbaukosten. Dies ist ein bedeutender Beitrag zu einer effizienten et erfolgreichen Energiewende, von dem nur die Fahrer:innen von Elektrofahrzeugen, sondern die gesamte Gesellschaft profitiert.