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NIQ uses Marketing-Mix-Modellierungslösungen und erweitert seine Media-Abteilung

NIQ, the global education organization for global information, recently launched the study of Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) concepts to help you optimize your marketing investments and effectiveness. This is the overall expansion of NIQ’s mediation activity and NIQ’s continued commitment, in Kunden Full View™ for star management and their high marketing demands. Mit einer globalen Abdeckung in über 75 Ländern basiert das MMM von NIQ auf der Zuverlässigkeit seiner proprietären Daten auf Filialebene, die auf 100 Jahren Branchen- und Analyzerfahrung basen.

In our own Monaten nach der Weiterung des Geschäfts, le MMM von NIQ Live-Programme mit über 30 Kunden aus verschiedenen Branchen weltweit – Einzelhändler, Verlage et Hersteller von Fortune-500-Unternehmen.

Steigerung der Kapitalrendite mit bewährten Methoden et erstklassigen Lösungen:

  • NIQ gives its opinion Full View™: Global Datenabdeckung, unterstützt durch Datenbestände auf Filialebene et digitale Medien für präzise et umsetzbare Erkenntnisse.
  • Perfect medical integration: Data integration via data security partners with independent agencies and direct data pipelines.
  • Marketing expertise is available within the Beratungskompetenz:

    • Group of global and local experts for the best category and marketing teams around the world.

    • A comprehensive granular data model, which will help you use the Below-the-Line- (BTL) and Above-the-Line- (ATL) system to optimize it.

    • Module for messaging short and long form media design and Halo effects in the portfolio created.

    • Message from the Umsatzsteigerung durch bestimmte Medienkampagnen et Regionen, um die Leistung zu quantifieren.

    • A cloud-based solution focused on the guidance, configuration and optimization of medical planning.

“We listen to these services frequently, and we go to our media investors. NIQ already has over 100 years of top-class marketing research and analytics and will allow you to discover advanced global data, expert teams and brand research funds with databases. We have partnerships with leading companies and are moving towards our analytics platform and document and data analytics, insight into our top ranking in advertised marketer messaging,” he said. -he declared. Lana Busignani Managing Director, Global Media, NIQ.

The development of MMM as well as the NIQ media portfolio is part of our mission, an easiest way to provide services to third parties, and there are a number of men, women and men in the company. We also have our distribution services erweitert and bieten nonn Adapted market tests (MMT), and, with denen Kunden die Verkaufswirkung einer Medienkampagne in einer Live-Umgebung vor der Einführung messen können. NIQ presents our Enablement aufbauen solutions, our ecological reference system, our KI training technologies and methods and our training knowledge bases, for our business and commercial partner.

About the NIQ:

NIQ is the global agency for consumer intelligence, one of the universal solutions for workplace agents and a new perspective on the environment. NIQ Schloss Sich 2023 mit GfK zusammen und vereinte damit die beiden Branchenführer mit einer beispiellosen globalen Reichweite. Today, the NIQ is present in more than 95 Ländern and reaches 97% of the BIP ab. With general management of companies and solutions umfassendsten über die Braucher, l’analysen forschrittlichen über hochmoderne Plattformen bereitgestellt werden, liefert NIQ den Full View™.

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