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Erste Schätzungen: Softchoice vermeldet Zahlen zum jüngsten Quartal

Softchoice will be scheduled on 08.11.2024 and the support service is on 30.09.2024, abgelaufenen Quartal offenlegen.

7 analysts show a price of 0.164 USD for which the action was carried out. The current commodity costs up to 0.190 CAD to asset.

Auf der Umsatzseite pronostizieren 6 Analysten ain Minus von 24.42 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahresquartal. The price tag for analysts is $184.6 million. The total price is 244.3 million CAD.

With a click on the announced financial results, 8 analysts had an activity gain of 0.738 USD predicted. I want to purchase a product for 1.06 CAD for purchase. There are only 7 analysts in the company, who invested $761.1 million in a budget of $761.1 million US, earning $1.10 million Canadian dollars in the past.


Furniture products purchased from Softchoice

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