

Where news breaks first, every time


IDF is the commander of Hamas

Israel has a sponsor in Hamas. Germany wants Rüstungsexporte an Israel deutlich aus. All articles on the news blog.

9:52 p.m.: Angriffen Israelis in Lebanon are nach Behördenangaben erneut zahlreiche Opfer gegeben. In the northeast of the Landes, the angels were attracted by two men and 53 people, like the Lebanese ministry of the Mitteilte government. Unter den Todesopfern waren demnach auch trois Minderjährige.

One of our greatest angels at Madschdel Sun in the Southern Moors is that the Israeli Grenze is found in two men and other words. Two men are at an Angriff auf ein Auto in Kahale, ca. 12 kilometers above the central city of Beirut, getötet worden. There are also 2 other people who have spoken their words.

Israel leads the Hamas-Kommandant, the Massaker anführte

9:20 p.m.: Muhammed Abu Attawi, the commander of Hamas’s Nukhba group, came at the head of an airliner to the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army and the Shin Bet were informed.

The attack took place on October 7, 2023, the Tötung and the attack of the Israelis in a bunker in Straßenrand in the region of Kibbutz Re’im and the golden Israeli command as commander-in-chief of Hamas.

On October 7, the Angriffs will travel to attack the Angriff in an air protection bunker in the vicinity of Re’im, for the Besucher of the Nova-Festivals to take place. Every menschen wurden lebendig aus der Unterkunft entführt, 16 wurden ermordet. Sieben konnten überleben und später gerettet werden.

7:56 p.m.: Israeli soldiers are in military ranks in camps in southern Lebanon. Before entering an Israeli army reserve between January 22 and 42, this is a declaration from the Israeli army. Weitere Soldiers erlitten dabei schwere Verletzungen et wurden in Krankenhäuser in Israel transportiert. Bei a weiteren Vorfall sei der 23-jährige Kommandeur ainer Hunde-Einheit getötetet worden.

The Israeli media was created, the reserves of the Hisbollah-Miliz being in a southern Lebanese region and the words of the Kämpfern of the Hisbollah-Miliz were addressed. This one also has some of the details and the handles of the hands are damaged.

5:45 p.m.: An Israeli delegation from the Regierung in Jerusalem is responsible for the trip to Doha. We do not have any instructions yet. They attack the United States and Katar, which have a springboard for radical-Islamic Hamas in the Gang zu Bringen.

1:44 p.m.: Russian President Wladimir Putin died in the Gaza Strip as a “humanitarian catastrophe”. Auf dem Brics-Gipfel in Kasan sprach er von zahlreichen Konflikten weltweit, darunter auch nahe der russischen Grenze, et bezog sich dabei indirectly auf den von ihm selbst befohlenen Angriffskrieg gegen die benachbarte Ukraine.

Le Lage in den Palästinensergebieten sei besonders schlimm, betonte der Kremlchef. These are all the sub-names that are used to create a herbeizuführen grundlegende. “Zweifellos ist die Gründung eines palästinensischen Staates dafür die Basis,” he says.

A young man in the ruins of Gaza: The people of the Israeli army decided to focus on a human feeling.Vergrößern des Bildes
A young man in the ruins of Gaza: The people of the Israeli army decided to focus on a human feeling. (Quel: Ahmad Hasaballah)

11:10 a.m.: Germany has announced more than 96 million euros for the fight against the crisis in Lebanon. For humanitarian affairs, the public prosecutor’s office received 36 million euros for the administration, 60 million euros were spent in the investment process, Federal Minister Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) participated in a conference conference in Paris and.